While I was born and work in Milan, I travel frequently.
Both with my imagination and roaming the world in search
of colors and characters.

I graduated from the School of Applied Arts at Castello
Sforzesco in Milan and have a Philosophy degree, with a thesis
in Visual Perception.
But my most important teachers to me were Aldo Di Gennaro
and the creative side of my family, especially my uncle Sergio Ferrari and my cousin Sergio Fermariello.

In 1993, Marcelo Ravoni (recently deceased) asked me to work with his team thanks to what he called my "dreamy irony".
And since that day, I've been a part of Quipos, an illustrators agency.

I work with educational publishers, magazines, advertising agencies and the monthly kid's magazine La Pimpa.
I've created graphic characters for merchandising, cards, gift-wrap paper, T-shirts and gadgets for Arti Grafiche Ricordi, Clipsy, Osama, 4 Cats and Edibas.

I love inventing stories and characters for children (but not exclusively), as well as painting and drawing (I've participated
in collective exhibitions in Milan and had a personal one
in Dubrovnik, Croatia) and researching and sketching
the illustrations of tomorrow.
